miércoles, enero 23, 2008

What other people think of me is none of my business.

Mike Mills

What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is to be (REALLY) independent of the good opinions of other people.


Stay Inspired. When you are inspired by a great purpose, everything will begin to work for you. When you feel inspired, what appeared to be risky becomes a path you feel compelled to follow. The risks are gone because you are following your bliss, which is the truth within you.

Sometimes, your inspiration will show up almost immediately, as if it follows your commands. Other times, you must wait until the inspiration, which almost has a mind of its own, decides to take over. It doesn’t really matter, however, as once you are engaged, you will realize you are in perfect harmony with what you are here to do.

There appear to be four very simple steps to take in order to connect with your own source of inspiration.

First, know that it exists. Look for evidence in yourself and in others. When you find it, marvel at its beauty and simplicity. Second, want it. Say to yourself and even out loud, “I want to be more inspired.” Third, see the connections around you. When a certain person shows up in your life, or some strong potential signal, pay attention. It is likely a clue that will lead you to inspiration. Fourth and finally, when it shows up, go with it, even if it doesn’t make sense in a logical way. You may be inspired to write—even thought you’re not a writer. So what, write anyway. Or, you may feel inspired to read certain kinds of books or paint pictures, make a new friend, or whatever. Whatever it is, listen to the clues and take a chance. Chances are, you’re engaging in inspiration and what a joy it will be!

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

(Wayne W. Dyer)

1 comentario:

Samuel (e) dijo...

inspiration is just the beginning of an idea... and sometimes ideas are the beginning of a dream, or just his materialization... ;-)